2018- 2019
Le répertoire de Vibrat'hom s'articule  autour de deux thèmes:
Gospels Slow me down
Oh Happy Day
Shine on me
Poor wayfaring stranger
Swing downe chariot
I want Jesus to walk with me
Until I found the Lord
This little light of mine
Who will be a witness
If I have my ticketAfrican Alleluia
Rockin' in Bethlehem
Freedom's gonna come
Chants basques Boga
Adios, ene maitia
Uso Xuria
Jeiki jeiki
Agur Jainkoaren
Agur Jaunak
Coros suecos
Agure Zaharra
Euskal Herriko
Ilhun Nabarra
Divers Hallelujah (Cohen)
Aan de Amsterdamse grachten (chant néerlandais)



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